Eye on the Reef Surveys UAT


Our security responsibilities

We will ensure that:

Increasing your safety online

Protecting your computer

You should:

Other steps you should take to help protect your computer include:

Protecting your password

You should:

Contact us

You should report any suspicious or unauthorised activity relating to your use of Eye on the Reef by contacting eyeonthereef@gbrmpa.gov.au.

Reporting Suspected Fraud

Fraud means ‘dishonestly obtaining a benefit, or causing a loss to the Commonwealth, by deception or other means’. Allegations of fraud against recipients of funding administered by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, or of unlawful conduct by staff or contractors can be reported in writing or by telephone to the Fraud Liaison Officer.

You have the option of not identifying yourself, or using a pseudonym, when reporting suspected fraud offences online or over the phone. All reports will be kept confidential.
Email: fraud@gbrmpa.gov.au

Postal address:
Fraud Liaison Officer
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
PO Box 1379

Further cyber security advice

Practical ways to protect yourself online
eSafety Commissioner
CyberSmart - Cyber Safety for kids, teens, parents, libraries, schools
Easy steps to secure your devices and accountss
SCAMWatch – online information on avoiding and reporting scams
CERT Australia - Australia’s national computer emergency response team


  1. The Reef Authority does not warrant, guarantee or make any representation that:
    1. the software hosting the Program, or the servers that make the site available on the internet are free of software viruses;
    2. the functions contained in any part of the software hosting the Program will operate without interruption or are error-free; and
    3. errors and defects in the Program will be corrected.
  2. You agree that:
    1. you have chosen to participate in the Program for the purpose of collecting Reef health data and shall be solely responsible for your safety if and when performing any activity either directly or indirectly associated with the Program;
    2. participation in the Program does not obligate you to collect Material by SCUBA diving, swimming or snorkelling;
    3. SCUBA diving, swimming and snorkelling are inherently risky activities;
    4. you expressly assume all risks associated with these activities that you choose to participate in while collecting Material and acknowledge that you are not in any way affiliated with the Reef Authority and the Program while collecting Material in this way;
    5. you release the Reef Authority and its officers, employees and agents from all liability of any kind for all claims of any kind including, without limitation, claims for personal injury (including death), accident or illness and property loss or damage arising in any way, either directly or indirectly, from or related to your participation in the Program,
    6. should you provide any forms, information or Material in any way associated with the Program to any third party such that the third party then participates in any way, either directly or indirectly, in the Program you will inform any third party of these Conditions of Participation and Use and will specifically advise any third party that their participation is voluntary and is at their own risk; and
    7. you have read the Terms and Conditions of Participation and Use, fully understand its terms and understand that you are giving up your potential rights including any right to sue.
  3. You acknowledge that you agree to all the Eye on the Reef Terms and Conditions of Participation and Use freely and voluntarily and intend your acceptance of them and/or your involvement in any way in or with the Program to confirm your provision of a complete and unconditional release of the Reef Authority from all liability, in accordance with this clause 6, to the greatest extent allowed by law.